Check out Mia's transformation

Mia then…

…5’ 5” at 170lbs

Mia began her journey with BURN in of April 2019. Why? Sometimes life happens and forces you to make big changes. She was looking for a place to call her own that would give her space to make the changes she desired both physically and mentally with support and without judgement. She started coming about 3 times/week, then bumped up to 6 times/week.

This girl has made an EPIC transformation in a short period of time doing the Lagree Method. Coupled with a healthier diet, she lost 20 lbs and dropped from a size 10 to a 6. She's a fantastic example of how hard work, persistence, and consistency with the Lagree Method gives you rapid results. Keep up with Mia on Instagram @miavargas11 to track her goals of reaching 135 lbs (currently 150), gaining more overall body strength, particularly core strength, and muscle definition. She's focused on cardio 2 days/week paired with BURN 5 days/week. "I eat healthier, still indulge sometimes, but overall I'm just wanting to feel better in my own skin.”

Keep shining your bright star,'ve earned it!

Mia now…

…still 5’ 5”, but 150 lbs and stoked about her new abs


The Megaformer workout is on top


How Lagree Fitness @ BURN differs from Pilates